Friday, 29 April 2011

some old sketches and graf

 paste ups i did for the tattooo convention....

 old graf peice i did in gardens

 sleeping at the station

 graf peice i did in woodstock....

 some more sketches....

 a peice me and steez did in gardens....


skullie i did for six tattoo convention

my little black ninja Kazuki

Some new tattoo stuff....

 Some more of my skullies 4 Nadia

 Got to do this really cool all seeing dagger heart eye on Raoul...

  Tattoed this really cool tree on Stewie..

 ....Some more mexican skullies

Yes.. its a feather......

 Doomsday on Herman....

 Ant's flying skull....still to put some colour in the rose....

 really crapy photo...this peice came out really cool though...

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

mini koffin heart...

built this coffin from scratch with great help from my friend Jaco....for last years Cape Town tattoo convention...

Monday, 4 April 2011

Recent tattoos.....

sally's mexican chika..

myza's totam pole of doom..

diamond time

brendons sacred heart swallows chest piece...

homeward bound

jason's dunni